A workshop entitled (The pioneering role of the pharmacist in preparing formulations and manufacturing cosmetics)
May 1, 2024
Ministerial committee supervising ministerial examinations
May 9, 2024It was held at the College of Administration and Economics/University of Diyala, in cooperation with the College of Administration and Economics from the University of Kirkuk, and with the participation of the Islamic Spectrum Bank.
The conference was sponsored by Yarmouk University College
((The Fifth Scientific Conference)) which was held under the slogan:
[Digital transformation and its role in administrative and economic decision-making].
–The conference was attended by the experienced professor, Dr. Zakaria Mutlak al-Duri, on the part of Yarmouk University College as its representative… At its opening, the conference witnessed an extensive discussion from all parties participating in the conference, which is considered to coincide with the development taking place in electronic administration that Iraq is witnessing, keeping pace with the progress achieved in the world in this field. .